Friday, October 22, 2010


  1. Words can not express how very thankful i am for the father Lina has. What an incredible blessing! No matter how tired her papa comes home from work, he always has enough energy for her(even if he has to pretend), he never runs out of ideas of how to make her laugh or surprise her, he teaches and shows her how to be adventureous and so many more things, he compliments her all day, he tells her he loves her over and over again, he joins her with her silly laughs and farts, he lets her get sips from drinks mami never allows, he uses words that only the two of them understand, he puts her in the cutest outfits, he makes her the most creativ toys, and She has he wrapped around her

  2. wie herzig - die fotos und dein text dazu =) freu mich so, dass ihr so glücklich seid!!!
